Green Street Millennium Pavement, London

London Borough of Newham 2000/02 Construction of pavement installations for St Stephen's Parade, Green Street, a commercial and cultural quarter of the Asian community in LB Newham ... More

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London Borough of Newham 2000 / 2002


Construction of pavement installations for St Stephen's Parade, GreenStreet, a commercial and cultural quarter of the Asian community in the London Borough ofNewham. The project involved local schools and community groups in theproduction of design work around the theme of identity through "OurBodies Ourselves" - what we eat and wear (representing the mainactivities of what happens in the Street). Those involved ranged fromaged five to eighty five.

The work produced was incorporated into paving design, artworks in the pavement - pebble mosaics incorporating coloured glass and other materials - pavement lighting incorporating images, mosaic seating and lamppost banners. Peter Dunn was lead artist responsible for overall design of the pavement, lighting and banners, and collaborated with Mark Davidson on the pebble mosaic, Anne Thorne Architects on design of the seats and Rachel Silver on the seating mosaics. Workshop facilitation: Peter Dunn, Usha Parmar and Andrew Mutter. Launched May 12th, 2002. Funded by the London Borough of Newham, the Millennium Commission and the Green Street Partnership and sponsored by Marshalls Clay Products Div.Budget total: £98,828 (pavement works £60k, Lighting £11,618, Seating £17,210, Banners & supports £10k)