Talks by Peter Dunn, Director of ART.e @ the art of change

On themes related to Art in the Public Domain, Social Engagement and Regeneration, and the implications of Digital Media and the Network Society


Further talks will be added to this section in due course. Please click for a recent CV from ART.e.

The talks reproduced here are unedited, so there is inevitably repetition in the texts when similar themes are addressed for different audiences. . .

CULTURE AS AGENCY, University of Plymouth

10th June 2009

THAMES GATEWAY; aspirations materialized? Queen Mary College UCL London

May 2009

Panel discussion no paper available

London International Documentary Festival, Barbican Centre, London

2nd April 2009

Panel discussion (Karosta) no paper available

Happiness, Social Responsibility, Diversity

30 Jan 2009

Organised by Hybrid at the Hotel du Vin, Church St, Birmingham

ENGAGE: Interaction, Art and Audience Experience

University of Technology, Sydney Australia

Informal learning and digital Media,

Syddansk Universitet,Odense, Denmark,

Flamingo Conference: Institut für Kunst im Kontext, Berlin

Sept 21-24.20

Universität der Künste Berlin - Art and Education in the Cultural Domain - no paper available.

‘Close Proximity: changing identity

20/21 May 2005
Exploring the changing identity of areas that lie under the shadow of the ever bulging "commuter belt" around London. Greenham Common, Newbury uk (talk about ARTe work with slides - no paper available)

Global Town Square, part of national Architecture Week,


Gravesend Kent - TOWNCENTRIC - talk with slides, no paper available

‘Moving Images' - Building Identity through Design Culture and the Arts,

Crawley, London - talk with slides, no paper available


Public Art and Regeneration in Leaside, Developing the Arts and Creative Strategy',

organised by CIDA, London Borough of Tower Hamlets - no paper available


Futuretown And Beyond, Beacon Day - National Conference of Town Centre Managers,


Gravesend Kent. No paper available

Creative Renewal-Hastings: Arts & Regeneration, healthcare and healthy Living,

24 April 2001

White Rock Theatre, Hastings UK (24/4/01) - no paper available


Making & Unmaking; creative and critical practice in a designed world,

7-9 Sept 2001
organised by the Design History Society Portmouth University.

Old Tools - New Tools, Public Art & Technology.

c/PLEX, West Midlands. No paper available


Public Art - Community Art


Landscape & Art Network, London

Public Art Now,


Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), London.

Arts Policy for Lea Valley Park,

Abbey Mills, Lee Valley Park.


Audience & Narrative: Changing View of Public Spaces, Conference

Friday, January 01, 1999

Royal College of Art, London.
"I'm going to raise some more general principles and concerns about the process of engagement, - about interactivity and NEW narrative structures, how identities are shifting within new relations between the global and local, the impact of emerging technologies - particularly around communications". . .Full PDF Lecture Notes

The privatisation of public art?

Friday, January 01, 1999
Public Art Now Conference, ICA London,UK
'The metaphor often used is that of the shaman whose inner visions and dreams are communicated to the rest of the tribe through ritual means. This is seldom placed within the context of the public role of the shaman as carrier of tribal 'memory' and future 'visioning' ... In short this metaphor is romantic atavism. . .Full PDF Lecture Notes

Art in Parks

Monday, June 01, 1998
Adding Value Conference, Portsmouth, UK
'With the extension of 'public space' from the urban into the countryside - through the establishment of National and Regional Park authorities, and the expansion of the tourist industry - the tradition of the 'sculpture garden' has been expanded into the 'sculpture park'. Public art has added a cultural dimension to the 'countryside experience'. . .Full PDF Lecture Notes

The Artist in the 21st Century,

Monday, January 06, 1997
Tate Gallery, London, UK
'We're primitives. But primitives in a new age. And rather than look back nostalgically, we can take the lessons that are still available to us and move into the future. As Giotto was to the development of perspectival representation, so our generation (if we are fortunate) will be to representations of cyber-space and the network society'. . .Full PDF Lecture Notes

Art, Ecologies, Culture and Change

Wednesday, January 01, 1997
Infromation and the City, Oxford University, UK
"We believe it is time to move beyond a practice wrapped in the myth of the heroic artist attempting to create an oasis of aesthetics in an increasingly anaesthetic alienated environment...By their very nature these questions require an interdisciplinary approachand an international dimension". . .Full PDF Lecture Notes

Gallery of the Future

Wednesday, January 01, 1997
Loughborough University UK
"Post and extra-gallery work is already beginning to create new relationships between the local and the global, and a new wave of cultural theorists like Castells are beginning to recognise that new forms of communication will radically shape the development of our culture". . .Full PDF Lecture Notes

Notes: on 'Community'

Monday, January 01, 1996
Public Art in Southwark, S. London Art Gallery, UK
"What does 'community' mean? It is a problematic, contested term, especially when applied to art. All common sense and intellectual rigor seems to go out of the window, a screen comes down, a distancing takes place: it is not about 'us' but about 'them'. Communities are 'other'; what other people belong to - the working class, the disadvantaged". . .Full PDF Lecture Notes

Open Spaces, closed minds

Monday, January 01, 1996
Open Spaces Conference, Winchester UK
"We are dissatisfied with the way much of Public Art is commissioned and used. It is exploitative for the majority of artists, mitigates against real consultation. Such approaches tend to use art as a band-aid for badly designed public spaces or urban deprivation and is often a 'gilding the ghetto' exercise". . .Full PDF Lecture Notes

Public Art & Photography

Saturday, January 01, 1994
Maximising Access, Photographers Gallery, London UK
"Does setting photographic images in a public space ensure greater access to art for a wider public? I don't think so. But is greater access to Art (as currently framed by our society) the real goal? For me, no. The question of access has to be situated in wider cultural & social context and placed within an extended notion of what art is or could be". . .Full PDF Lecture Notes

The Art of Change

Saturday, January 01, 1994
LITTORAL Symposium, Salford University, UK
I believe that most ícriticalí practitioners, those I know at least, don t operate in that ípureí area of negativity. Although there is a big debate about what positive images are, the work I will be showing today is emphasising thatside a bit more than others that I could have shown you.

Digital Dreams- a new visibility?

Saturday, January 01, 1994
Digital Dreams conference, Newcastle, UK
Let's learn the lessons of that last great dreaming - in the 60s when people thought thatthe immersable representations of sex and drugs and rock festivals would bring about the revolution. They awoke to find that the world had moved on, leaving revolution on the record shelves. . .Full PDF Lecture Notes

Community and Engagement

Wednesday, January 01, 1992
Beyond Studio Practice, University of East London,UK
" What we mean by 'community' here is important, since the word often associated with nostalgic or highly romanticised images of 'place'. This in our experience is not very useful, indeed it is counter productive within a dynamic of change". . .Full PDF Lecture Notes